Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, July 24, 2003

ASEM of Iimportance, Significance for World: Chinese FM

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) forum has the purpose that is very important to a mixed-picture world, where world multipolarization and economic globalization continue to surge on, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing said Thursday in Bali.


The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) forum has the purpose that is very important to a mixed-picture world, where world multipolarization and economic globalization continue to surge on, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing said Thursday in Bali.

"To build a new type of equal partnership between Asia and Europe and maintain and promote stability and prosperity in our regions and the rest of the world is the purpose of ASEM, which isof profound immediate significance and long-term strategic importance," Li Zhaoxing said.

He made the remarks during the fifth ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting held on the resort island of Bali, which began on Monday.

"The complex and fluid international situation has made it all the more necessary and urgent for Asia and Europe to step up dialogue, interaction and cooperation," Li said.

While stressing that disputes between countries should be resolved through consultation, dialogue and cooperation on an equal footing, the minister said "both Asia and Europe are in favor of a leading role of the United Nations in international affairs."

"Asia-Europe consultation and coordination in international and regional affairs serve the interests of not only the peoples of the two continents but also those in other parts of the world," he said.

The foundation for a new type of equal partnership, according to the minister, is trade and economic cooperation between Asia and Europe.

Li Zhaoxing said China proposed an ASEM seminar on the Management of Public Health Emergency in October in Beijing, where participants are expected to compare notes on how to best cope with the common challenges of war against infectious diseases.

China was the hardest hit by SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), which now has brought under effective control due partly to Europe's support.

But Li reminded that infectious diseases such as SARS pose a tremendous threat to human health and are a common challenge to the international community.

China also supports the enlargement of ASEM and maintains that the imbalance between Asian and European partners needs a proper solution by "giving priority consideration to membership requests from Asian countries," the minister said.

Li Zhaoxing arrived in Bali Wednesday and has held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and South Korea. He also met with the Japanese delegation, which is not led by the foreign minister, and representatives of the European Union.

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