Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, July 24, 2003

Megawati Opens ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bali

Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri officially opened the fifth gathering of Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers' meeting on the resort island o Bali Thursday, reiterating the importance of mutual understanding and respect between the two regions.


Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri officially opened the fifth gathering of Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers' meeting on the resort island o Bali Thursday, reiterating the importance of mutual understanding and respect between the two regions.

"Our experience has taught us that it is essential to build mutual understanding, refrain from the imposition of will and respect each other when we are determined to engage in cooperation, especially between different groupings," Megawati made the remarksbefore delegates from 10 Asian countries and 15 members of the European Union.

"It is particularly true when the cooperation takes place among countries, which are different in their culture, level of socio-economy and in many other aspects of their lives.

"Each and every one of us is aware of the difference between Asia and Europe and in fact is also mindful of the diversity existing even among countries in Asia," he said.

"It is within the Asia-Europe partnership that I would like to underline that we need to be really sincere, honest and earnest toaccept and respect differences," Megawati said.

The four-day ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Foreign Ministers' Meeting has begun since Monday, preceded by a two-day preparatory meeting of senior official level.

The ASEM's Asian members are Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, China, South Korea and Japan, while 15 European Union members and the European Commission make up the other side.

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