Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, July 24, 2003

China's Economic Growth to Benefit Asia, Europe

China's sustainable economic growth will benefit both Asia and Europe and generate new opportunities for cooperation between the two continents, said Chinese Minister of Commerce Lu Fuyuan Wednesday in Dalian.


China's sustainable economic growth will benefit both Asia and Europe and generate new opportunities for cooperation between the two continents, said Chinese Minister of Commerce Lu Fuyuan Wednesday.

Lu, also chairman of the Fifth ASEM Economic Ministers' Meeting, made the remarks while meeting with heads of delegations for the meeting to be opened Thursday here.

He told the delegates that China is expanding its market scope in nine fields -- clothing, food, housing, transport, communications, health care, education, entertainment and tourism.

China and other ASEM members have maintained sound economic cooperation over the past few years, and China hopes to lift such relations to a higher level within the next five years, Lu said.

The minister said China attaches great importance to regional economic cooperation and integration, adding that China's development will also benefit other Asian nations.

Lu expressed his sincere thanks to the relevant countries for their support for China in combating the SARS epidemic.

Referring to the new round of WTO (World Trade Organization) trade negotiations, scheduled for Sept. 12 this year in Cancun, Mexico, he said China is committed to playing a positive role in pushing forward the free trade talks.

Meanwhile, the heads of delegations said they are convinced that the will further economic cooperation between China and other ASEM members and help revive the stalled WTO free trade negotiation process.

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