Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, July 23, 2003

China Wants Korean Peninsula Free from Nuclear Weapons: FM

Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing asserted Wednesday that China wants to see the Korean Peninsula free from nuclear weapons and strongly recommended dialogues as the only right option to resolve problem in the peninsula.


Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing asserted Wednesday that China wants to see the Korean Peninsula free from nuclear weapons and strongly recommended dialogues as the only right option to resolve problem in the peninsula.

"The issue of the Korean Peninsula should be resolved through dialogues, or in other words by peaceful means, that will be good for all sides," Li Zhaoxing told reporters in Bali.

The minister is here on Bali island to attend the fifth Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers' meeting that will run from July 24 to 25.

"China is working on this and we are trying to appeal to our friends of America and of DPRK to agree with us that flexible dialogues are the best, and perhaps the only right option," Li said.

"We want to see the Korean Peninsula free from nuclear weapons,we want to see the Korean Peninsula enjoying peace and stability,"he said.

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