Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Asia-Europe High-level Economic Forum to be Held in Dalian

As a prelude to the fifth ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Economic Ministers' Meeting (EMM), a one-day Asia-Europe High-Level Economic Forum is to be held here on Tuesday, the organizing committee of the EMM announced Monday.


As a prelude to the fifth ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Economic Ministers' Meeting (EMM), a one-day Asia-Europe High-Level Economic Forum is to be held here on Tuesday, the organizing committee of the EMM announced Monday.

Discussions on the trends of global economic development and its opportunities and challenges, the priorities and methodology of ASEM economic cooperation and the trade and investment environment in China will be held at the forum.

Participants will also explore new ways and channels of economic cooperation between the two continents.

The ASEM members comprise 10 Asian countries, which are China, Japan and the Republic of Korea and seven ASEAN countries (Brunei,Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), 15 European Union nations and the European Commission, the executive arm of the EU.

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Dalian Prepares for ASEM Economic Ministers' Meeting


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