Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, July 18, 2003

Legislator Urges Nigerian Govt. Not to Grant Asylum to Taylor

A Nigerian legislator Thursday advised the government against granting asylum to Liberian President Charles Taylor.


A Nigerian legislator Thursday advised the government against granting asylum to Liberian President Charles Taylor.

Reacting to President Olusegun Obasanjo's overture to Taylor to accept asylum in the country, Suleiman Uzairu, an All Nigeria People's Party member of the lower house, urged the Obasanjo administration to reconsider the offer and leave Taylor alone.

He cautioned that the country could be regarded as a "haven to criminals since Taylor is currently facing criminal charges at the War Crimes Tribunal on Sierra Leone."

The legislator called on Obasanjo to "leave Taylor alone and pursue beneficial issues to the country" through the execution of people-oriented policies and projects.

Taylor has been indicted for war crimes in neighboring Sierra Leone by a UN-mandated court and US President George W. Bush has repeatedly urged Taylor to step down and leave his war-torn west African country.

Obasanjo on July 6 extended an "invitation" to Taylor and promised Taylor would have "a safe haven in Nigeria."

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