Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, July 14, 2003

Palestinian Daily Slams Sharon for 'Inciting against Arafat'

A Palestinian daily on Sunday demanded Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon focus his efforts on achieving peace in the region instead of launching incitement campaigns against Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.


A Palestinian daily on Sunday demanded Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon focus his efforts on achieving peace in the region instead of launching incitement campaigns against Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

"Premier Sharon's statement to the European countries and his demands to boycott Arafat is a rude interference in the international policies," wrote the Jerusalem-based Al-Quds daily onits front page.

The daily accused Sharon of manipulating the international stances towards Arafat and the European standpoints towards Palestinians and their leadership, in accordance with the Israeli strategic goals.

Israel, backed by the US administration, aims at creating conflicts between Arafat and his Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, alsoknown as Abu Mazen, it added.

"Despite the US-Israeli failed attempts to drag the Palestiniansinto these conflicts, Sharon seems restless by pretending that there have always been differences between Arafat and Abbas.

"Ariel Sharon is perfectly aware that there is only one Palestinian leadership that has always made its decisions and narrowed its gaps through dialogue and negotiations in accordance with the Palestinians people's unity," the daily said.

"Ariel Sharon's statements delivered on the eve of his visit to London proves his extreme anxiety because of his failure to sideline Arafat from the political process and his failure in obstructing Abbas's cabinet's peace efforts.

"Sharon seems to have over-expected the results of his army's siege imposed on President Arafat for more than a year." it added.

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