Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, July 12, 2003

Indonesia Eyes Additional Gas Contract from China's Fujian

Indonesia eyes additional gas contract from Fujian province, China, following the Fujian's determination to raise its liquefied natural gas (LNG) capacity from 2.6 million tons to five million tons a year, a minister said.


Indonesia eyes additional gas contract from Fujian province, China, following the Fujian's determination to raise its liquefied natural gas (LNG) capacity from 2.6 million tons to five million tons a year, a minister said.

"Fujian plans to raise its LNG capacity to five million tons, it means (Fujian) will add its import. This is a chance for Indonesia to raise contract there," Minister of Energy and MineralResources Purnomo Yusgiantoro was quoted Friday by Bisnis Ekonomi newspaper as saying.

He said as a supplier which has obtained a contract from Fujian,Indonesia has the greatest opportunity among other competitors to get additional contract from the buyer.

Indonesia has signed LNG export contract of 8.2 billion US dollar for 25-year shipping of 2.6 million tons a year to Fujian. The export will start at 2006.

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