Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, July 11, 2003

UN Security Council Condemns New Rebel Attacks in Burundi

The United Nations SecurityCouncil on Thursday strongly condemned renewed rebel offensives against the Burundi capital of Bujumbura this weeks.


The United Nations SecurityCouncil on Thursday strongly condemned renewed rebel offensives against the Burundi capital of Bujumbura this weeks.

In a statement after a closed-door council session, Council President Inocencio Arias of Spain said the council called on the rebel Hutu Forces for National Liberation (FNL) to "immediately" and "unconditionally" end its attacks and enter into negotiations with the transitional government.

The council also urged another rebel group, CNDD-FDD, to stop resorting to violence and to refrain from any further action undermining the peace process.

The statement said the council reaffirmed its full support for the Arusha Peace Agreement of 2000 and for the subsequent cease-fire agreements signed in October and December 2002.

The FNL started to fire mortars at the southern suburbs of Bujumbura on Monday, killing more than 30 people. The government has extended a night curfew in the capital city.

The tiny Central African nation has been plagued by a civil warsince 1993, which has claimed about 300,000 lives and uprooted hundreds of thousands of people.

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