Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, July 10, 2003

Chinese Zou Topples Light Flyweight Champion

Chinese Zou Shiming scored a major upset by beating light flyweight defending champion Varela Barteleny of Cuba in the World Amateur Championships Wednesday in Bangkok.


Chinese Zou Shiming scored a major upset by beating light flyweight defending champion Varela Barteleny of Cuba in the World Amateur Championships Wednesday in Bangkok.

Zou, from southwest province of Guizhou, resorted to his counter-punching tactics to outpoint Barteleny 22-15 for a place in the quarterfinal of the championships, the first time that China participated in the boxing worlds.

The 22-year-old Zou, who finished second in the 2001 East AsianGames in Japan, said that "my coaches and I watched video of his (Barteleny's) fights and worked out tactics. I thought I could win."

"It's fantastic to beat the defending world champion. This win gives me confidence to go on and take the gold medal," said Zou who started boxing training in 1997.

Zou will fight Dydi Rudole of Slovakia in the quarter-finals on Thursday.

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