Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, July 10, 2003

Egyptian Delegation Arrives in Gaza to Reinforce Ceasefire

An Egyptian security delegation arrived in Gaza city on Wednesday to resume the Palestinian dialogue and try to reinforce the hudna (ceasefire).


An Egyptian security delegation arrived in Gaza city on Wednesday to resume the Palestinian dialogue and try to reinforce the hudna (ceasefire).

The delegation, comprising Mustafa Al-Bheiri and Mohamad Ibrahim , was sent by the Egyptian government after several contacts with the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and different factions, well-informed Palestinian sources said.

According to the sources, the delegation would first meet Ahmad Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, and then meet separately with representatives of other factions.

During its three-day visit, the delegation would also meet with PNA security services chiefs and members of the PNA cabinet, in an aim to strengthen bilateral relations and security cooperation between Egypt and the Palestinians.

The delegation's previous visit helped mediate talks between the different Palestinian factions and persuade radical Palestinian factions to call a halt to anti-Israeli attacks.

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