Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, July 10, 2003

UN Chief Appoints Special Envoy for Liberia

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has appointed a special representative for Liberia as part of urgent initiatives to help promote the war-battered country's peace process.


United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has appointed a special representative for Liberia as part of urgent initiatives to help promote the war-battered country's peace process.

Jacques Klein of the United States would lead and coordinate the activities of the United Nations in Liberia, Annan said in a letter to the Security Council, which was made available to the press Wednesday.

In anticipation of the early deployment of a multinational force in Liberia, Annan said he had instructed Klein to expedite the return of all United Nations agencies providing humanitarian assistance to Liberians.

Prior to his arrival in Liberia, Klein will assist in coordinating at the UN headquarters in New York, the work of various departments and agencies in their tasks related to Liberia.

In another initiative, Annan said he had dispatched his specialrepresentative for West Africa, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, to the Ghana capital of Accra to push the ongoing peace talks between theLiberian government and two rebel forces.

Annan also expressed the hope that a successful conclusion of the Accra talks and the decision of Liberian President Charles Taylor to go into exile in Nigeria would lead to the early establishment of transitional arrangement in Liberia.

Taylor, who became Liberian president in 1997, was urged to step down and leave his country by the United States as a precondition for the deployment of a US-led multinational force inLiberia.

Liberia, founded by freed American slaves some 150 years ago, has been embroiled in civil war since 1998. Renewed fighting around the Liberian capital of Monrovia in June this year left hundreds dead and tens of thousands of others displaced.

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