Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Annan Arrives in Maputo for AU Summit

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan arrived in Maputo Tuesday to attend the second summit of the African Union (AU) scheduled to be held from July 10 to 12.


UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan arrived in Maputo Tuesday to attend the second summit of the African Union (AU) scheduled to be held from July 10 to 12.

During his stay in Maputo, Annan is reportedly to meet with representatives from Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic ofthe Congo on the sidelines of the summit to discuss conflicts in the Great Lakes region.

According to AU officials here, about 30 African heads of stateand government are expected to arrive here in the coming two days for the AU summit while Libyan leader Omar Muammar Ghaddafi was scheduled to arrive later on Tuesday.

The summit will focus on the establishment of AU organs, especially the ratification of the protocol on the Peace and Security Council, which will have the power to intervene in wars involving crimes against humanity, and the establishment of a pan-African parliament.

The integration into the AU of the continent's social and economic renewal program, the New Partnership for Africa's Development, will feature high on the agenda.

The assembly will elect the chairman of the AU Commission, and Alpha Oumar Konare, the former president of Mali, is the only candidate for that position since interim chairman Amara Essy reportedly abandoned his bid for reelection.

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