Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Four People Disciplined for Misconduct in Flood Control

Four people have been disciplined in Bengbu city of east China's Anhui province for dereliction of duty in ongoing flood control work on the Huaihe River Valley, said sources with the city discipline inspection committee of the Communist Party of China on Tuesday.


Four people have been disciplined in Bengbu city of east China's Anhui province for dereliction of duty in ongoing flood control work on the Huaihe River Valley, said sources with the city discipline inspection committee of the Communist Party of China on Tuesday.

On July 4, the Huaihongxin River, a local key flood-control project, began to divert floodwater from the Huaihe river to ease the pressure.

At about midnight the next day, a sluice gate on the Huaihongxin River, which should be closed, fully opened, which caused surging water in the river to gush into the nearby the Beifei River and seriously endangered the lower reaches of Beifei.

Investigation by a joint team of Bengbu water control officials and experts showed that the accident was caused by dereliction of duty of two workers in charge of the sluice gate.

The relevant authorities decided on Monday to dismiss the two responsible workers, Jiang Zhongwen and Tang Qijia, but retain their posts for two years in probation, while their two superiors, Li Zuwang and Li Meng, were penalized within the Communist Party organization for their dereliction of direct leadership duty.

Meanwhile, the Anhui provincial government issued an urgent circular, warning that severe penalties would be given to those who would adversely affect flood control work or misuse flood control funds.

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