Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, July 05, 2003

No Major Flood Threat to Mainstream of Huaihe River

As of 7:00 p.m. Friday, the water level of the Wangjiaba section of the flooding Huaihe River had dropped to 28.96 m, 0.04 m below the warning line, thanks to flooddiversion efforts which began early Thursday morning.


As of 7:00 p.m. Friday, the water level of the Wangjiaba section of the flooding Huaihe River had dropped to 28.96 m, 0.04 m below the warning line, thanks to flooddiversion efforts which began early Thursday morning.

To date, 176 million cubic meters of floodwater has been diverted to the Mengwa flood diversion area, and the flood crest has passed smoothly through the Wangjiaba section.

Cheng Dianlong, vice director of the Office of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, confirmed Friday that thus far, there is no major flood threat to the mainstream of the Huaihe.

The country's other major rivers are all below their flood warning lines, except for the Xijiang River, whose water level at the Wuzhou section is at the alert level.

According to weather forecast, the Huaihe River valley will seeheavy rainfall in the next two to three days. The river's flood control situation remains grave.

Cheng said the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters has issued an urgent advisory to all provinces along the river, urging close monitoring of the flood situation, more accurate weather forecasts, more effective flood control measures and more frequent patrols on the river's embankments.

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