Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, July 03, 2003

US President Urges Taylor to Leave Liberia

President George W. Bush said Wednesday that the United States is mulling all options in helping bring peace to Liberia and urged Liberian President Charles Taylorto leave the West African country.


President George W. Bush said Wednesday that the United States is mulling all options in helping bring peace to Liberia and urged Liberian President Charles Taylorto leave the West African country.

"One thing has to happen. Mr. Taylor needs to leave the country....In order for there to be peace and stability in Liberia, Charles Taylor needs to leave now," Bush told reporters at the White House.

"We're looking at all options. I've tasked the secretary of state (Colin Powell) to talk to (UN Secretary-General) Kofi Annan on how best to deal with Liberia," he said.

Bush expressed concerns over the situation in Liberia but said the good news is there's a cease-fire in place for the moment.

He said Secretary Powell is to work closely with the United Nations to see how best to keep the cease-fire in place.

" We're exploring all options as to how to keep the situation peaceful and stable," Bush added.

The Bush administration has been under pressure to lead an international peace-keeping efforts in the war-ravaged Liberia.

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