Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, June 30, 2003

United States Welcomes Mideast Truce

The United States on Sunday welcomed the announcement by hardline Palestinian groups of a three-month freeze on attacks against Israel.


The United States on Sunday welcomed the announcement by hardline Palestinian groups of a three-month freeze on attacks against Israel.

"Anything that reduces violence is a step in the right direction," White House spokeswoman Ashley Snee told reporters in Crawford, Texas, where President George W. Bush is staying over the weekend.

But she reiterated the Bush administration's position that the capability of radical Palestinian groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad must be dismantled in order to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East.

"Under the roadmap, parties have an obligation to dismantle terrorist infrastructures. There is more work to be done," Snee said.

The spokeswoman confirmed reports that Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser to Bush, invited Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas to visit the United States during her trip to the Middle East. "But no date has been set," Snee stressed.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, both were accused by Washington of blocking the Middle East peace process, on Sunday announced the suspension of attacks on Israelis for three months. Fatah, the faction led by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, also made a similar announcement a few hours later.

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