Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, June 29, 2003

PFLP Denies Approval of Ceasefire with Israel

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced Saturday that the movement would not agree on any ceasefire with Israel.


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced Saturday that the movement would not agree on any ceasefire with Israel.

PFLP spokesman Jamil Al-Majdalawi said the group had been askedto join other factions in striking a deal on ceasefire, "but werefused."

"We could never approve of a ceasefire agreement as long as theIsraeli army keeps occupying the Palestinian territories and perpetrating raids," he said, asserting the intifada (uprising)would go on.

The PFLP is one of the 13 factions reported to be part of aninter-Palestinian dialogue on ceasefire.

The PFLP said "no" after two other radical Palestinian groups --Islamic Jihad and the Islamic resistance movement Hamas --announced they had agreed on a conditional ceasefire.

Palestinian factions said their representatives were meeting inthe Egyptian capital of Cairo, where they would release a communique to declare a three-month truce.

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