Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, June 26, 2003

Arafat Says Truce to be Announced Later on Thursday

A formal truce will be announced by Palestinian factions in a few hours, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said on Thursday after meeting with Irish Foreign minister Brian Cowen at his headquarters in Ramallah.


A formal truce will be announced by Palestinian factions in a few hours, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said on Thursday after meeting with Irish Foreign minister Brian Cowen at his headquarters in Ramallah.

"There hasn't been any formal declaration so far, but a formal declaration would be announced during the coming couple of hours," Arafat said.

In the meantime, Mohamed Al-Hindi, a representative of Islamic Jihad (Holy War) movement, denied the Palestinian leader's statements by saying "the ceasefire talks are still underway and we haven't made our minds yet."

"The Islamic Jihad as well as the Fatah and Islamic resistance movement Hamas' representatives in Syria had held a meeting where they tackled the possibility of reaching a truce agreement, but no final decision was made," said Al-Hindi.

Al-Hindi added that his movement would brief the Fatah movement on the outcomes of the talks. "As soon as we make a decision, everyone would know about it."

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Palestinian Factions Reach Truce Agreement


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