Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, June 23, 2003

Vice Premier Urges Vigilance against Floods

Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu required localities throughout the country to be ready for possible disasters at the start of flood season.


Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu required localities throughout the country to be ready for possible disasters at the start of flood season.

Hui, also the head of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, asked government departments at various levels to take every effort to prevent disasters and get through the flood season safely.

The headquarters also circulated a notice urging fully implementation of Hui's requirement. Special attention should be paid to monitoring climate change, safeguarding reservoirs and protecting people's lives.

The notice also requested government officials at various levels to take responsibility for fighting floods.

The major rivers in the nation, including the Pearl River, Yangtze River, and Huaihe River have already come into their flood season.

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