Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Liberian Government, Rebels Sign Ceasefire Accord

The Liberian government and rebels on Tuesday signed a truce accord to end a four-year bloody civil war, according to a report reaching Lagos from Ghana's capital Accra.


The Liberian government and rebels on Tuesday signed a truce accord to end a four-year bloody civil war, according to a report reaching Lagos from Ghana's capital Accra.

Liberia's Defense Minister Daniel Chea and leaders from Liberia's rebel groups -- the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) and the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL)-- signed the accord.

But the details of the ceasefire accord were not available now.

Representatives from the Liberian government, two rebel groups and 18 Liberian political parties resumed peace talks last Wednesday in Akosombo. The talks got under way after Taylor and the LURD agreed in principle on Wednesday to a truce.

The Liberian civil war, which lasted about 15 years and claimedat least 200,000 lives, flared up again in 1998 following attacks launched by the LURD rebels in northern Liberia.

Civil war over the past decade has made Liberia among the most miserable places in the world and the latest unrest since 1998 hasforced some 300,000 Liberians to flee to neighboring countries andclaimed thousands more lives.

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