Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Chinese Vice-Premier Urges State Enterprises to Accelerate Reforms

Chinese Vice-Premier Huang Ju urged state-owned enterprises to take the advantage of reform of state assets management to optimize structure, speed up innovation of systems and management, and a new development environment.


Chinese Vice-Premier Huang Ju urged state-owned enterprises to take the advantage of reform of state assets management to optimize structure, speed up innovation of systems and management, and a new development environment.

Huang was speaking during an inspection tour of key state-owned enterprises in central China's Hubei Province when he participated in a national conference on the reforms of state-owned enterprisesand re-employment between June 5 and 9.

Deepening the reform of state assets management system was of great importance to building a relatively well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating China's modernization drive, Huang said.

He urged all regions, departments and the state-owned enterprises to be bold in exploration and practice. Their priorities were the study of the provisional regulation on supervision and management of the state assets, the set-up of state assets supervisory bodies and promotion of corporations at large and medium-sized enterprises.

He called on enterprises to minimize the influence of SARS on economic development, reduce taxes and provide small loans to laid-off workers.

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