Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, June 09, 2003

Improved SARS Situation Raises Retail Sales in Late May

A national survey shows that retail sales in China for the last two weeks of May grew by 3.98 percent year-on-year, the first increase since the outbreak of SARS in the country.


A national survey shows that retail sales in China for the last two weeks of May grew by 3.98 percent year-on-year, the first increase since the outbreak of SARS in the country.

The survey was conducted on 100 retail businesses by the China General Chamber of Commerce and the All-China Commercial Information Center.

The improved situation of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in the country gradually helped fuel domestic consumption, and retail stores and shops nationwide saw growing numbers of customers.

In order to seize the opportunity, retail businesses adopted new strategies to reactivate retail markets, including offering clients the opportunity to place orders over the phone, online shopping and selling articles in universities.

Health care goods and seasonal commodities topped the list.

The outbreak and spread of SARS increased public awareness to improve health, leading to increased sales of household disinfectants and body-building and fitness equipment.

In addition, the summer saw increased sales of fans, T-shirts, casual wear and sandals.

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