Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, June 07, 2003

Liberian Peace Talks in Ghana Suspended

The Liberian peace talks that opened on Wednesday in Ghana's capital Accra have been suspended due to fresh fighting on the outskirts of Liberia's capital Monrovia, said a statement issued by the Economic Community of West African States on Friday.


The Liberian peace talks that opened on Wednesday in Ghana's capital Accra have been suspended due to fresh fighting on the outskirts of Liberia's capital Monrovia, said a statement issued by the Economic Community of West African States on Friday.

According to the statement, the two main rebel groups, the Movement for Democracy in Liberia and the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), which control more than half of the country, were advancing towards Monrovia.

The talks had been suspended till Monday, June 9, said Abdulsalami Abubakar, a retired Nigerian general who acted as a mediator in the talks.

The peace talks were expected to result in an agreement on a comprehensive peace process, including a lasting ceasefire, security, electoral reform, respect for human rights and the rule of law.

The talks were held under the aegis of the International Contact Group on Liberia founded last September on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly Session in New York to facilitate, coordinate and complement the various initiatives within west Africa and energize UN actions towards the resolution of the Liberian crisis.

The Liberian civil war, which lasted about 15 years and claimedat least 200,000 lives, flared up again in 1998 following attacks launched by the LURD rebels in northern Liberia.

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