Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, May 28, 2003

China Cooperates with Laos in Sylvite Development

Southwest China's Yunnan province has started to join hands with Laos to exploit sylvite resources in the Vientiane Basin.


Southwest China's Yunnan province has started to join hands with Laos to exploit sylvite resources in the Vientiane Basin.

To date, Chinese geologists have identified 12 regions containing sylvite resources. Drilling has commenced at 16 sites at the basin, said Guo Yuansheng, general manager of the Yunnan Provincial Mining Engineering Co.

The ore reserve in the Vientiane Basin, covering an area of 2,600 sq km, has a depth of 200 meters and a prospective reserve of 10 billion tons, making it a sustainable source for sylvite development.

Yunnan province organized and sent geologists for on-site survey on eight occasions. In November, 2000, China and Laos signed a document on sylvite development in the Vientiane Basin.

As an agricultural nation, China needs some 6 million tons of potassium chloride at home to nurture its crops. However, its annual domestic output is approximately 450,000 tons, far below that which is required to satisfy domestic demand.

A great number of chemical works in China have expressed interest in the co-production of sylvite in Laos.

The Yunnan Provincial Mining Engineering Co. has built a chemical plant in Vientiane, which turns out 10,000 tons of high-quality potassium chloride annually.

In addition, the Yunnan Provincial Mining Engineering Co. is working in cooperation with Myanmar to exploit platinum-palladium resources and is cooperating with Vietnam in chromite and manganese-rich ore development.

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