Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Hu Jintao, Putin Have an Informal Dinner

Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao has attended an informal dinner hosted by his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.


Hu Jintao, Putin Have an Informal Dinner
Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao has attended an informal dinner hosted by his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

At the presidential residence located on the outskirts of Moscow, Hu Jintao and his wife Liu Yongqing were warmly welcomed by Putin and his wife.

Hu Jintao said he is very pleased to pay the visit to Russia at the invitation of Putin. He says this is his first foreign trip since his election as the Chinese president and Russia is his first stop. This shows how much importance China attaches to the development of ties with Russia. Hu Jintao believes his visit will surely achieve fruitful results.

Putin said he has met with Hu Jintao for three times and the two have understood each other better and also have established good personal relations. Putin says Russia is very happy to see that the new Chinese leader is not just an experienced politician, but a politician who has special feelings toward Russia. He says he is very glad to entertain Chinese guests at his home.

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Chinese President Starts Visit to Russia 

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