Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, May 19, 2003

China Appeals for Immediate End to Violence in Mideast

China is appealing for Israel and Palestine to seize the present opportune time and immediately halt current violent conflicts and resume peace talks as soon as possible, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said Monday.


China is appealing for Israel and Palestine to seize the present opportune time and immediately halt current violent conflicts and resume peace talks as soon as possible, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said Monday.

Zhang made the statement following two suicide bombings in Jerusalem, shortly after Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas met with his Israeli counterpart Ariel Sharon.

The Israel-Palestine situation was at a critical moment, she noted, and China welcomed and appreciated the first meeting of thetwo prime ministers, on the spur of the international community.

Nevertheless, China was deeply worried about the frequent occurrence of violence between the two sides, said Zhang, which had led to heavy casualties and loss of property.

China appealed for both sides to seize the present opportune time and work actively in cooperation with the international community, put an immediate halt to violent conflicts and resume peace talks as soon as possible, the spokeswoman said.

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