Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, May 08, 2003

State Council Meeting on Economic Growth Amidst SARS Threat

A State Council executive meeting, presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao Wednesday, discussed measures proposed by the State Development and Reform Commission to maintain national economic development in the midst of the on-going fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).


A State Council executive meeting, presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao Wednesday, discussed measures proposed by the State Development and Reform Commission to maintain national economic development in the midst of the on-going fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

According to the meeting, China continues to face big challenges in the battle against SARS, and the impact of the epidemic on the national economy is looming large, increasing burdens on the economic development efforts.

The meeting called for efforts to prevent and control SARS at one hand and to stress the central work of economic construction on the other, in order to maintain steady economic growth and minimize the losses generated by the highly contagious disease.

Regarding economic development, the meeting highlighted several measures, including ensuring that spring planting and summer harvests are carried out to stabilize agricultural production, increasing investment and fostering new consumer trends and economic growth forces.

The meeting also urged efforts to increase exports and attract more overseas investment, while adopting preferential policies forcivil aviation, tourism, catering, commerce and other sectors heavily hit by SARS.

Governments at all levels are required to work hard to increase revenue and cut spending, do a good job in improving employment and social security, and maintain sound production and social order.

After deliberating a draft on rules and regulations related to public health emergencies, the meeting decided that the draft willbe amended before being issued.

Senior Party official underlines enhanced efforts in anti-SARS fight
A senior Party official in charge of discipline inspection called on his subordinates nationwide to contribute to China's efforts in combating the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and in maintaining national economic growth.

Wu Guanzheng is a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and also the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC.

During his five-day inspection tour of northernmost Heilongjiang province, which ended on Wednesday, Wu urged discipline inspectors to step up supervision and inspection work amidst China's on-going anti-SARS battle and to intensify efforts to maintain sustained economic growth.

Wu also called for the full implementation of the important thoughts of the "Three Represents" theory in the urgent anti-SARS efforts and in economic development efforts.

Meanwhile, during his inspection tour of Heilongjiang, he held talks with grassroots cadres, employees, medical staff and farmersand affirmed the achievements the province has made in its fight against corruption.

Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, China is offto a good start this year in its battle against corruption, he noted, of which the objective is the creation of clean and honest government.

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