Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, April 18, 2003

Safe Transportation Emphasized in Three Gorges Dam Area

The Ministry of Communications Thursday urged transport departments in the Three Gorges Dam area to take the necessary steps to ensure transportation safety.


The Ministry of Communications Thursday urged transport departments in the Three Gorges Dam area to take the necessary steps to ensure transportation safety.

The ministry Thursday issued a notice on a national safety check, which stressed the maritime transportation safety in the Three Gorges Dam area. The concern over safety is linked to the filling of the Three Gorges Dam. The daily rise in water level will have enormous impact on the safety of maritime transportation.

The ministry also listed the areas of Bohai Bay, Qiongzhou Strait, Zhoushan, the Southwest mountains and the Yangtze River as key waterways for special safety checks.

The nationwide safety check on transportation also involves buses, vessels, exit and entry ports and passenger terminals. All vehicles found unsafe must be repaired and improved in preparation for a second check, to take place before the end of June.

The ministry also urged that all passenger vehicles to be used during the upcoming Labor Day holiday be cleaned and sterilized to prevent the spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus.

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