Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Gas Explosion in Coal Mine Kills 23 in SW China

Twenty-three coal miners were reported killed Monday afternoon in a gas explosion in a mine in southwest China's Guizhou province.


Twenty-three coal miners were reported killed Monday afternoon in a gas explosion in a mine in southwest China's Guizhou province.

The blast occurred at around 3:00 p.m. Monday at the Muchonggoucolliery in Liupanshui city. There were 353 people working in the mine at the time of the accident.

By press time, 302 miners had returned to the ground, with 40 injured and another 28 still missing.

Chen Dawei, vice-governor of Guizhou province, and a rescue team responded immediately upon receiving the news and rushed to the scene.

The cause of the explosion is under investigation.

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