Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Jiang Stresses Peace, Dialogue for Iraq, Korea Issues

Chinese President Jiang Zemin stressed peace and dialogue Wednesday when discussing the current international situation with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is here on a two-day working visit to China.


Chinese President Jiang Zemin stressed peace and dialogue Wednesday when discussing the current international situation with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is on a two-day working visit to China.

China desires peace, and the Iraq issue should be resolved through political means within the framework of the United Nations, Jiang said.

He stressed that China sincerely hopes the Korean Peninsula will remain peaceful and stable. China supports the non-nuclearization of the peninsula and hopes the parties involved will resolve the existing issue through dialogue.

Thaksin said he fully agreed with Jiang's comments, adding that Thailand hopes China will play an important role in maintaining peace and avoiding war.

Jiang praised Thaksin for his efforts in promoting bilateral relations and for his ideas related to increasing regional cooperation in Asia. Jiang said he believes China-Thailand relations will reach a new level as the two sides have no outstanding issues between them.

Thaksin praised Jiang for his role in promoting regional peace and development.

He emphasized that Thailand will remain a sincere friend of China, and that Thailand will continue to observe the one-China policy.

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