Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Chinese, Thai Leaders Discuss Free Trade Zone

Premier Zhu Rongji Tuesday pledged that China will abide by its commitments and take measures to foster a Sino-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) free trade zone to promote the economic development of ASEAN countries and prosperity in the region in a meeting with visiting Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.


Chinese, Thai Leaders Discuss Free Trade Zone
China will work with Thailand to continue friendly bilateral cooperation, said Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji in Beijing Tuesday.

Zhu made the remarks during his talks with visiting Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra who arrived in China as Zhu's guest earlier in the day for a two-day working visit.

Praising bilateral relations, Zhu said China and Thailand are friendly neighbors with a fraternal friendship.

In recent years, bilateral cooperation in various fields has generated remarkable results, not only benefiting the two peoples but also contributing to regional peace, stability and prosperity, noted Zhu.

He said the Thai government under Thaksin's leadership has offered positive initiatives for regional cooperation in Asia and played an important role in promoting cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which China highly values.

Zhu said the start of setting up a China-ASEAN free trade area is profoundly significant, and China will try to make it conducive to the economic development of ASEAN countries and common regional prosperity.

He said that he hopes Thailand will continue to play a positive and leading role in building the free trade area.

Thaksin, who is on his fifth visit to China, expressed his appreciation for China's friendly policy toward Thailand, and said the Thai government and people prize China's assistance.

He noted that Thailand highly values China's important role in promoting economic development in the region, and its farsightedness and sincerity in setting up the free trade area.

Thailand will further cooperation with China, strictly abide by a one-China policy and support China in international and regional affairs, he said.

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