Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Guangdong Ensures Quality Food Supplies to HK, Macao

Guangdong Province in south China has prepared 5.3 million chickens, 170,000 ducks and 10,000 geese for the Spring Festival holidays in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SARs).


Guangdong Province in south China has prepared 5.3 million chickens, 170,000 ducks and 10,000 geese for the Spring Festival holidays in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SARs).

Local authorities have taken strict measures to prevent contaminated meat from entering the two regions, according to local officials.

The authorities have launched a province-wide inspection covering over 140 registered farms to ensure the safe supply of meat and vegetable to Hong Kong and Macao.

The vehicles and equipment used to transport meat have also been under strict sanitary control, while all personnel are also subject to strict supervision.

Guangdong is a major food supplier for neighboring Hong Kong and Macao. Last year, the province sold 560,000 pigs, 7,000 head of cattle, 15 million birds, 36,000 tons of freshwater fish and 240,000 tons of vegetables to the SARs.

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