Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Right-wing Parties to Dominate Israel's Parliament
Initial election results show that the Likud party led by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has won the general elections for Israel's 16th Knesset (parliament), and that right-wing parties will dominate the future parliament.
Initial election results show that the Likud party led by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has won the general elections for Israel's 16th Knesset (parliament), and that right-wing parties will dominate the future parliament.
The results broadcast by Israeli televisions illustrated that the Likud would win 36 seats in the 120-member Knesset to become the biggest party in parliament, with a combined bloc of 69 seats for Israel's right-wing parties.
The right-wingers would be viewed as a future government's rudiment led by the Likud and its leader Sharon.
In the bloc, Shas is expected to hold 13 seats, the National Union eight seats, Yisrael B'aliya three seats, the National Religious Party five seats and the Union Torah Judism five seats.
The left-wing Labor party, Likud's major rival in the elections,is predicted to obtain 18 Knesset seats.
Labor leader Amram Mitzna called Sharon Tuesday night to congratulate the incumbent prime minister for his Likud party's overwhelming victory in the elections.
The far-left Meretz is forecast to have six seats. Minutes afterthe release of the initial results, Meretz Chairman Yossi Sarid said he would resign from the party should the results were proved accurate.
The secular Shinui Party led by Yosef (Tommy) Lapid would get 14seats. The party has called on Sharon to form a "secular" government, while urging Mitzna to abandon pledge not to join government under Sharon.
On Feb. 5, the Central Elections Committee will announce the official results. On Feb. 17, the newly-elected Knesset will hold its first meeting.
President Moshe Katsav is expected to appoint Sharon as new prime minister within seven days after the official unveiling of the election results.
He will instruct Sharon to establish the 30th government within 42 days.