Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, January 25, 2003

Chinese, Thai Officials Reiterate 'One China' Policy

China appreciates the government of Thailand for its repeated statement on sticking to the "one China" policy, visiting Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing said Friday in Bangkok.


China appreciates the government of Thailand for its repeated statement on sticking to the "one China" policy, visiting Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing said Friday in Bangkok.

Li expressed the appreciation for Thailand's support to China's cause of reunification of the motherland during his meeting with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in Bangkok.

He briefed Thaksin about China's principled policy on the Taiwan issue, expressing the hope that Thailand be alert against various attempts by the regime of Taiwan to impose "one China and one Taiwan" and "two Chinas" on the international community.

Li said Sino-Thai relations is one of the most important relations that China has with Southeast Asian countries, adding the frequent exchanges of visits and views between the two sides are conducive to healthy development of the bilateral relations.

He appreciated Thaksin for actively pushing forward mutually beneficial cooperation and putting forward new ideas of promoting bilateral relations. The two countries should continue to enhance the friendly relations by strengthening exchanges among the young people, Li said.

Noting that Thaksin has been actively advocating the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), the Chinese vice prime minister said China is ready to join hands with Thailand to promote the healthy development of various forms of regional cooperation.

Thaksin emphasized that the Thai government will always uphold the "one China" policy and keep its commitment on the Taiwan issue, stressing Thailand recognizes there is only one China, namely the People's Republic of China. He said "Taiwan independence" or "one China and one Taiwan" will never find any market in Thailand.

He thanked China for its support to the ACD, hoping that China will participate in some detailed projects under the dialogue. Thailand is ready to cooperate with China to accelerate the process of negotiation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the establishment of a free trade area, the Thai leader said.

Overseas Chinese welcome Vice Premier to visit Thailand
Overseas Chinese in Thailand held a grand reception Friday to welcome Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing who is in Bangkok for an official visit to the country.

More than 800 persons from all sectors of the overseas Chinese community in Thailand attended the reception.

Li said at the reception that overseas Chinese have made untiring efforts to promote friendship and mutual understanding between China and Thailand and the two peoples. They have also made great contributions to the expansion of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

Li briefed the overseas Chinese about the current development in China. He said China is enjoying political stability and sustained economic growth.

He also highly praised the great achievement that the Thai government and people have made in national development, especially in overcoming the difficulties caused by the Asian financial crisis. He said Asia has to pursue the spirit of common development and prosperity.

On the Taiwan issue, Li expressed appreciation on the efforts of overseas Chinese in pushing for reunification of China. He wishes that they will continue to make active contribution to thisgreat cause.

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