Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, January 20, 2003

Palestinian Official Blasts Sharon's Remarks over Roadmap Plan

Abu Rudeineh, an aide to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, blasted on Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's statements on the US-proposed road map peace plan, saying it is part of Sharon's election campaign.


Abu Rudeineh, an aide to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, blasted on Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's statements on the US-proposed road map peace plan, saying it is part of Sharon's election campaign.

"Sharon's statements are attempts to undermine the plan before it is officially adopted," Abu Rudeineh told reporters at Arafat's office in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Sharon had told the Newsweek magazine in an interview that the Quartet is nothing, saying "Don't take it seriously! I don't think the United States takes it seriously. There is another plan that will work."

Abu Rudeineh said the road to peace can only go through the implementation of the international resolutions, the signed agreements and the recognition of the Palestinians legitimate rights.

"Israeli attempt to jump over the international legitimacy wouldof course fail, because the Palestinian people would be the final decision makers," he said.

European diplomats also reportedly said Sharon's statements overthe Quartet committee are "silly, poor and miserable."

However, Sharon's office Sunday issued another statement to amend Sharon's statements.

The new statement said Sharon's statements did not aim to hurt the United States, adding that both Israel and the United States have a joint vision over solving the Middle East conflict.

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