Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Britain to Host New Quartet Meeting on Palestinian Reform

The diplomatic Quartet of Mideast mediators are expected to meet in London in February to continue their efforts to reform the Palestinian Authority for statehood under a potential peace deal with Israel, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Tuesday.


The diplomatic Quartet of Mideast mediators are expected to meet in london in February to continue their efforts to reform the Palestinian Authority for statehood under a potential peace deal with Israel, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Tuesday.

The United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia would meet again in London in the week beginning Feb. 10 "to take further stock of the progress which we have made," Straw said in a statement after an international conference on Palestinian reform ended here Tuesday.

Straw, who hosted the reform conference initiated by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, said all the participants of the conference were determined that London meeting should be part of aprocess which supported and complemented the work of the Quartet.

Talks of Palestinian internal reform topped the agenda of the one-day meeting, which drew together Quartet representatives as well as delegates from Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Palestinian delegates, who made a commitment to draw up by the end of January an outline constitution based on democracy, rule oflaw and independence of the judiciary, took part in the conference via video link as Israel denied their access to the conference.

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