Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Shanghai Transrapid Construction Also on High-speed Track: Engineer

The world's first-ever magnetic levitation (maglev) system for commercial use, designed to reach speeds of 430 kilometers per hour, was built "at an exciting high-speed," noted engineer Wu Xiangming said Tuesday.


The world's first-ever magnetic levitation (maglev) system for commercial use, designed to reach speeds of 430 kilometers per hour, was built "at an exciting high-speed," noted engineer Wu Xiangming said Tuesday.

The train was completed in only two and a half years, said Wu, chief engineer in charge of the project, at the ceremony celebrating the inaugural run of the high-speed train.

All the preparatory work for the project, including the conclusion of the contract with the German side and relocation of local residents and institutions situated along the line, he said,was completed only in a matter of eight months, which established a solid foundation for the start of construction.

The first maglev lane was laid in November last year and the 30-km rail was put in place in September this year, he recalled.

The builders are still busy preparing for double track operation, and the commercial venture will be in full swing in 2003, Wu said, expressing the hope that they would redouble their efforts and score still greater and more splendid achievements for Shanghai and China as a whole.

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