Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Admiral Singh Becomes Indian New Chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee

The Naval Chief, Admiral Madhvendra Singh, Monday took over as the new chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) from Army Chief Gen S Padamanabhan.


The Naval Chief, Admiral Madhvendra Singh, Monday took over as the new chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) from Army Chief Gen S Padamanabhan.

Padmanabhan handed over the COSC baton to Madhvendera Singh at a ceremony in the War Room of Army Headquarters in New Delhi.

The post of the COSC is held in rotation by the three Chiefs on the basis of senority.

Though the present Air Chief S Krishnaswamy is senior to Admiral Madhvendra Singh in service, the Naval Chief assumed his appointment as Chief of Naval Staff earlier due to Navy having the quickest promotion stream of all the three services.

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