Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Pakistan Desires Good Relations with India: Spokesman

Pakistan always desired good relations with India and wanted to solve all the outstanding issues peacefully, Foreign Office spokesman Aziz Ahmed Khan said in Islamabad on Monday.


Pakistan always desired good relations with India and wanted to solve all the outstanding issues peacefully, Foreign Office spokesman Aziz Ahmed Khan said Islamabad on Monday.

In his weekly briefing, Aziz said dialogue was the only way to settle outstanding issues between the two countries.

Responding to a question about reports of presence of some Al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan, Aziz said that since Pakistan joined the war against international terrorism, it had arrested 422 persons with alleged terrorists links, which was the highest number anywhere in the world.

He said Pakistani security forces were fully capable and doing an impeccable job by tracking and arresting the terrorists. The reports about presence of some Al-Qaeda members were speculative, he said.

When asked about Pakistan's stance in case the United States launched attack against Iraq, Aziz reiterated Pakistan's position of a peaceful resolution and full implementation of UN resolutions.He said it was "speculative" at this stage to say what would be Pakistan's position "if" the United States attacks Iraq.

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