Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Blair to Invite Palestinian Leaders to Britain

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Monday that he would invite Palestinian leaders to London in January in a bid to support Palestinian reforms and move the Middle East peace process forward, Reuters reported.


British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Monday that he would invite Palestinian leaders to London in January in a bid to support Palestinian reforms and move the Middle East peace process forward, Reuters reported.

While making a statement about the EU enlargement to the British parliament, Blair said, "I can announce today that I am inviting leading Palestinians to come to Britain in January to a conference along with members of the quartet and other countries from the region closely involved in supporting the reform efforts."

"It will discuss progress on reform and look at how the international community can help," he said.

Last month, British government officials said Blair was hoping to convene a conference with both Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

The United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia, is putting together an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. But Gulf tensions and Israel's Jan. 28 election are delaying the progress.

"In the short term, progress on the Israeli side will be limited by the general election campaign," Blair said.

PNA welcomes British PM's statement on peace process
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) welcomed on Monday the statements made by British Prime Minister Tony Blare on ending up the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Reports said that Blare announced that he is ready to invite Palestinian leaders to London to discuss with them reforms in the PNA as well as ending violence and resumption of the stalled Middle East peace process.

PNA Cabinet Secretary General Ahmed Abdel Rahman said that the Palestinians welcome Blare's invitation and his concerns over the Palestinian situation.

Abdel Rahman said that the British prime minister is enthusiastic to achieve peace in the region, adding that Blare had called for holding an international peace conference a month ago aimed at ending up with the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

"The meeting would be with a great interest in case it tackles issues related to ending the occupation and the tragic situation that the Palestinian people are living in as well as ending the world's silence over the Israeli crimes," said Abdel Rahman.

PNA Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo refused to comment on Blare's statements, saying that the Palestinian side would react to these statements "as soon as the Palestinian side receives an official invitation from Blare."

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