Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, December 13, 2002

China Willing to Promote Sino-Libya Relations: Official

Jia Qinglin, a member the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee met in Beijing Thursday with a delegation from Libya's General People's Congress (GPC).


Jia Qinglin, a member the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee met in Beijing Thursday with a delegation from Libya's General People's Congress (GPC).

Jia told the delegation, headed by GPC Foreign Affairs Secretary Suleiman S. Shahoumi, that the CPC was willing to carry out a variety of friendly exchanges with the GPC for the healthy and stable development of bilateral ties.

Jia praised the sound cooperation between China and Libya in political, trade and other areas after the two countries forged diplomatic ties.

He said both countries shared identical or similar views on major international affairs and worked well together in the international arena.

China hoped the relationship would achieve greater progress in the future, he said.

Jia briefed the guests on the 16th CPC National Congress, whichhe described as a milestone in CPC history.

Shahoumi conveyed his congratulations on the CPC congress, saying Libya admired the lofty cause of the CPC and the Chinese people and the important role played by China in international affairs.

After commending the expanding cooperation between the two countries, he said that Libya and China belonged to the third world and advocated creating a just and rational new internationalpolitical and economic order.

He said Chinese President Jiang Zemin's tour to Libya last April gave impetus to bilateral ties and he hoped such good cooperation would achieve greater development.

The GPC delegation is here at the invitation of the CPC.

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