Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, December 12, 2002

France Opposed to Unilateral War Against Iraq

Visiting French State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Renaud Muselier on Wednesday voiced his country's opposition to any unilateral war against Iraq.


Visiting French State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Renaud Muselier on Wednesday voiced his country's opposition to any unilateral war against Iraq.

He also urged Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to respect international laws and the principle of non-intervention in internal affairs of states.

Muselier made the remarks at the Kuwaiti International Airport after concluding a two-day official visit to Kuwait.

Asked whether France is in favor of a new Security Council resolution ahead of a possible war against Iraq, Muselier said France would have to assess the current UN arms inspection in Iraq and future attitudes of Saddam.

On Saddam's recent speech to the Kuwaiti people, the minister said , "I believe Saddam Hussein's speech has complicated his condition and he has not taken any decision that serves interests of his people."

On Saturday night, the Iraqi president made his first apology to,the Kuwaiti people, but said Kuwaiti authorities were to blame in the run-up to Iraq's 1990 invasion into Kuwait.

He also proposed "the devoted and the holy warriors in Kuwait meet with Iraqi counterparts" against "infidel armies" of "London, Washington and the Zionist entity."

Kuwait and other Gulf states have all rejected Saddam's unprecedented apology, which they consider "provocative."

The French official, who arrived in Kuwait from the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday, conveyed a message from French President Jacques Chirac to Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and held talks with senior Kuwaiti officials.

Muselier kicked off his tour of five Gulf countries on Monday ina bid to boost the French standing in the region. He will also visit Bahrain, Oman and Qatar.

Muselier's visit attests to "the continuity of strong dialogue that we have with all of the states in the Gulf region," French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said ahead of his visit.

France seeks to "reaffirm our will to have a policy of presence,independence and balance in the region," the spokesman added.

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