Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Security Council to Get Iraqi Declaration Within 10 Days

The UN Security Council is expected to get a sanitized version of Iraq's declaration of its weapons of mass destruction within 10 days, the council president,Alfonso Valdivieso of Colombia, said here Tuesday.


The UN Security Council is expected to get a sanitized version of Iraq's declaration of its weapons of mass destruction within 10 days, the council president,Alfonso Valdivieso of Colombia, said here Tuesday.

"We expect to have it available in no later than 10 days," he told reporters before the council's monthly luncheon with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The chief UN arms inspector, Hans Blix, also attended the luncheon.

Valdivieso denied that his decision to allow the five permanentcouncil members to have early and complete copies of the declaration was politically motivated.

"It was not a political decision," he said, speaking in English.

The five permanent council members are Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States, they all have veto power on the 15-nation council.

Also on Tuesday, the UN spokesman, Fred Eckhard, said the decision was "to expunge any sensitive information that might be covered by international anti-proliferation treaties -- nuclear, biological or chemical -- that prohibit the sharing of informationon how to make such weapons and also prohibit parties from trying to acquire such information."

Once that material had been taken out, "the sanitized version of the document could be made available to the other 10 members ofthe council," the spokesman said.

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