Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, December 09, 2002

Iraq Hands over Weapons Declaration to UN Inspectors

Iraq delivered Saturday night its arms declaration to the United Nations, a day ahead of the Dec. 8 deadline as set in UN Resolution 1441.


Iraq delivered Saturday night its arms declaration to the United Nations, a day ahead of the Dec. 8 deadline as set in UN Resolution 1441.

Iraqi officials carrying the documents of nearly 20,000 pages and two annexes entered the local UN headquarters in a hotel in Baghdad's suburbs about 8 p.m. (1700 GMT).

They arrived at the headquarter compound in three vehicles with four card boxes and two plastic bags holding the arms documents, and entered the compound for the handover to UN arms inspectors inside.

Reporters were barred from following the Iraqi officials to go into the headquarters building.

The Iraqi declaration is to be flown as soon as possible to the UN headquarters to meet the deadline set by the UN resolution 1441.

The resolution, under which UN weapons inspectors returned to Iraq on Nov. 25, requires Iraq to make a "currently accurate, full,and complete declaration of all aspects" of its banned weapons programs.

While the Iraqi government still denies its possession of weapons of mass destruction, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein pledgedchance to UN weapons inspections on Thursday to disprove US charge that his country still holds the banned weapons.

UN weapons inspectors resume their searches on Saturday after a two-day break.

So far, UN experts have not declared findings of the banned weapons after inspections of two dozens suspected sites.

Nearly 100 UN arms inspectors are expected to be in Iraq in the coming days for intensified searches.

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