Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, December 07, 2002

US Attack on Any Islamic Country Will Harm Islam: Iranian Leader

Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Friday in Tehran that a possible US attack on any Islamic country would harm the whole Islamic world, while urging Muslims to be united against hegemonism.


Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Friday in Tehran that a possible US attack on any Islamic country would harm the whole Islamic world, while urging Muslims to be united against hegemonism.

Talking to representatives of Islamic countries, Khamenei was quoted by the Islamic Republic News Agency as saying that "the enemy is interfering in the Islamic world under the pretext of fighting terrorism, but all Muslim nations know the main target of the imperialists and Zionists (Israelis) is Islam."

"A US attack on any country, including Iraq, under any pretext is harmful to the interests of the Islamic world," Khamenei said.

The leader pointed out that the United States and Israel's goal is to dominate the resources of the Islamic world and eliminate thePalestinian nation in a bid to guarantee the survival of Israel in the Mideast region.

The leader reiterated Iran's support to the Palestinians, saying "we consider defending the oppressed Palestinians as a must and believe that all Islamic governments must fulfill their duties in this respect."

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