Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, December 02, 2002

250,000 Italian People Join Union March in Naples

Some 250,000 people filed through Naples on Saturday in a march called by the trade union CGIL in favor of more actions for the south of Italy and against the 2003 budget.


Some 250,000 people filed through Naples on Saturday in a march called by the trade union CGIL in favor of more actions for the south of Italy and against the 2003 budget.

In the demonstration, CGIL leader Guglielmo Epifani warned thatthe south will not go back to a situation of hand-outs and crime.

He accused the budget, which features tax cuts for low-income families in exchange for an experimental easing of firing restrictions agreed with the other two more moderate unions, of "taking the country toward bankruptcy and decline."

Epifani also announced that CGIL had gathered over 5 million signatures for a referendum against the modifications to Italy's Workers' Statute agreed with CISL and UIL.

The government boosted funding for the South in the budget after initial criticism from all sides including employers.

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