Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, November 24, 2002

Iraq will Cooperate with UN Arms Inspectors: Minister

Visiting Iraqi Information Minister Mohammad Said Al-Sahhaf on Saturday affirmed that his country would cooperate with UN weapons inspectors, while stressing the work of the inspectors should be neutral and transparent.


Visiting Iraqi Information Minister Mohammad Said Al-Sahhaf on Saturday affirmed that his country would cooperate with UN weapons inspectors, while stressing the work of the inspectors should be neutral and transparent.

He made the remarks during a meeting with his Jordanian counterpart Mohammad Adwan. The talks focused on the bilateral relations and other issues of mutual interest, Jordan's official Petra news agency reported.

The two ministers talked about what might happen following Iraq's acceptance of UN Security Council Resolutions 1441 and how Iraq can help the UN arms inspectors fulfill their job with complete neutrality, Petra said.

Iraq's acceptance of the resolution is a good opportunity for the world to prove that Iraq is free from weapons of mass destruction. Consequently the development should avert the dangers of a military strike and the sanctions on Iraq should be lifted, Adwan said.

Jordan has used all possible occasions to voice its opposition to a possible US-led military attack against Iraq for allegedly seeking weapons of mass destruction.

Iraq is now the only oil supplier to Jordan and provides the kingdom with some 5 million tons of crude oil each year, half of them free and the rest at preferential prices.

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