Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, November 22, 2002

Efforts for Mideast Peace to Continue: China's Envoy

China's special envoy to the Middle East Wang Shijie Thursday pledged that the nation will continue to play an impartial and active role in helping to resolve the crisis in the region.


China's special envoy to the Middle East Wang Shijie Thursday pledged that the nation will continue to play an impartial and active role in helping to resolve the crisis in the region.

Speaking at a press conference after his recent trip to the Middle East, Wang stressed the importance of bringing an equitable and lasting peace in the conflict-plagued Middle East.

"A comprehensive, just and lasting peace should be achieved,'' said Wang. "If the resolution is not comprehensive and just, then peace won't last.''

Wang stressed that any resolution should take into consideration the interests of all the parties.

In his first trip as the special envoy to the Middle East, Wang held talks with the leaders and foreign ministry officials in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Palestine from November 6 to 14. He also met Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Amre Moussa and special envoys from the European Union, the United States, Russia and the United Nations.

Wang said he hoped violence by Palestinian extremists ends, adding that such activities only harm civilians, fan hatred and will not help the resolution of the issue.

He also said he hopes Israel will stop military attacks on Palestinans and improve the deteriorating humanitarian situations in Palestinan areas.

"China supports the resumption of the legitimate national rights for Arabs and Palestinians, including the establishment of a Palestinian state,'' Wang reiterated. "At the same time China also thinks that the security of Israel should be assured.''

A veteran diplomat of Middle East affairs, Wang was appointed to his present position in September. His recent trip, which he said was "constructive'' and "fruitful,'' has attracted much publicity both at home and in the Middle East.

China has good relations with all parties in the conflict and they all attach great importance to China's influence and role as a permanent member of the UN Security Council on this matter, Wang said.

The special envoy added that China's position on the matter has been welcomed by all parties in the Middle East.

China has all along upheld that the sides in the Middle East conflict should resolve their disputes peacefully based on relevant UN Security Council resolutions, agreements already reached and the principle of "land for peace,'' he added.

Though he did not elaborate on whether China will join the European Union, the United States, Russia and the United Nations in four-party talks on the issue, Wang said that China will continue to consult with the related parties for a peaceful resolution of the Middle East conflict.

"The Chinese Government supports all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of the Middle East issue,'' said Wang. "As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has the obligation and the responsibility to maintain regional and world peace.''

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