Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, November 21, 2002

France Coldshoulders US Plan on Military Coalition Against Iraq

France announced on Wednesday that it has taken note of Washington's demands concerning a military operation against Iraq, reaffirming that it sticks to UN resolution 1441 on Iraq's disarmament in peace.


France announced on Wednesday that it has taken note of Washington's demands concerning a military operation against Iraq, reaffirming that it sticks to UN resolution 1441 on Iraq's disarmament in peace.

When asked about Washington's plan to lead a military coalition against Iraq, French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero answered: "In fact, the Americans have contacted us, at their initiative. As far as we know, they have done so with numerous governments."

"We have taken note of this demand and we will study it, as we have always done in similar cases," he added.

Earlier in the day, United States President George W. Bush announced in Prague that he would consult allies on possible military action against Iraq and was ready to lead a "coalition of the willing" if Saddam Hussein refuses to disarm.

The inspection team of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) started its work in Baghdad on Monday.

The French spokesman reaffirmed that essential is "to implement the United Nations resolution 1441 on Iraq's disarmament in peace and under the authorities the UN Security Council and according to the mandate of the UNMOVIC and the IAEA."

"It is clear that all our efforts are now (directed) at this objective," said Valero.

French President Jacques Chirac, who will also attend the Prague meeting, does not want the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to back an eventual strike against Iraq, according to his spokeswoman Catherine Colonna.

"We will see how the talks go up until Prague and in Prague," she said.

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